Text in English A thousand words Text in English

It would be unusual for me (I hope!) to write 1,000 words in an entry of this blog. Today I'm breaking this rule. But I've compressed them by just copying this picture (by AP, by the way).

This woman is Cindy Sheehan. Her son was a soldier who died in Iraq.

Describing George W. Bush at an interview he gave to her and some other people, she said:

...his mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else
about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all.

She should have known this in advance. I often think you can't occupy certain positions if you have the slightest interest in human beings' emotions or well-being.

I won't write any more. Ms. Sheehan was taking part in a protest, and she was arrested when the photographer took this picture. That woman lying on the floor, just in front of the U.S. mission to the United Nations, is the mother of a soldier who died in Iraq. A thousand words come to my mind when I see this picture. Writing them is too difficult for such a mediocre writer as I am. But even if I was able to do it, that effort would be in vain if the picture doesn't bring a thousand words to your mind.

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