Testu n"asturiano Text in English Public health / Sanidá

[Bilingual post / Artículu billingüe]

Spanish court has recently passed judgement on the case of the Severo Ochoa hospital in Madrid, concluding that there was no offense. More than two years ago, somebody pressed charges against some doctors of this hospital because of "massive sedations", implying that they were practicing euthanasia and that they had killed some 400 people. The Spanish far right rushed against these doctors, and Madrid health councillor, Manuel Lamela, enrolled in the crusade.

Thanks to this dreadful politician, now many patients die among horrible pain, because doctors don't dare to sedate them as they usually would (and should) do. However, he didn't hesitate to promote a regional law that blatantly contradicts a national one (God nows what would happen if Catalonians did that) that allows you to smoke even if you are harming your neighbour.

I didn't want to go on, but I can't keep it to myself when I think about patients suffering pain in the name of the "christianity" of this individual and Esperanza Aguirre (the regional president): it would be just fair that, in the future, both Lamela and Aguirre went through the same they are causing to their citizens. Maybe a lung cancer as passive smokers, that at its terminal stage drive them crazy of pain, with a doctor that doesn't dare to give them more sedation just in case some health councillor reports him.

I know it's a bad thought, and I can't wish that for them. But it really doesn't matter, since anyway they would never be in that situation. In the private hospital they would be in, doctors would do whatever they asked (and payed) for. And the Pope would not come to tell them off for not overcoming pain with dignity. That applies only to poor people.

La xusticia dixo que nun hebo delitu nel hospital Severo Ochoa de Madrid. Fai más de dos años, daquién denunció a unos mélicos d'esti hospital por "sedaciones masives", dando a entender que taben faciendo eutanasia y que mataren a 400 persones. Xente de la estrema derecha española echóse a por estos mélicos, y el conseyeru de Sanidá de Madrid, Manuel Lamela, apuntóse a la cacería.

Gracies a esti impresentable, agora munchos enfermos muerren ente dolores tremendos, porque los mélicos nun s'atreven a sedalos como deberíen. Por embargu, nun tuvo dulda nenguna en sacar una llei autonómica que contradiz a una llei nacional (había que ver qué pasaría si lo ficieren los catalanes) que diz que sí se pué fumar anque teas faciendo dañu al de al lláu.

Nun quería decir más, pero nun pueo guardalo cuandu pienso nos enfermos que tan padeciendo dolor gracies a la "cristiandá" de esti suxetu y de Esperanza Aguirre (la presidenta de la comunidá): sería de xusticia que, nel futuru, tanto él como Esperanza pasaren polo que tan faciendo a otros. Quiciabes un cáncer de pulmón como fumaores pasivos, que cuandu tea en fase terminal los allorie de dolor, y el mélicu diga que nun se atreve a sedalos más porque igual los denuncia dalgún conseyeru de sanidá.

Sé que ye un mal pensamientu, y nun pueo deseáyoslo de verdá. Pero nun pasa nada, porque de toes maneres ellos nun van pasar por eso. Na clínica privada na que taríen, fadríase lo que quixeren ellos, que pa eso paguen. Y el Papa nun diba venir a reñilos por nun llevar el sufrimientu de la vida con dignidá. Eso guárdenlo namás pa los probes.

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